Building youth social action in your community


20th November 2019

We’re very excited to share a new online toolkit, launching today, that will enable schools and colleges to use Youth Social Action to provide quality careers education. The Youth Social Action toolkit has been created by The Careers and Enterprise Company, the #iWill campaign and The Centre for Education and Youth.


What is youth social action?

Youth social action refers to activities that young people do to make a positive difference to others or the environment. There are lots of ways in which young people can take practical action to make a positive difference, including volunteering, campaigning and tutoring.

Talking to teachers, careers leaders, youth workers, employers and young people, we learnt how youth social action not only creates change in communities, but provides young people with skills and experience that will help them transition into further education, training or employment. Our findings align with research showing that pupils can develop their confidence, teamworking skills and communication through such projects.

What is in the toolkit?

Available for free online, the toolkit provides:

Why does this matter?

We’re thrilled about the launch of this toolkit, first and foremost because youth social action has enormous potential to have a positive impact on young people and their communities.

However, at CfEY, we understand how short of time teachers can be, and are therefore proud to have created these time-saving and easy-to-use resources.