Dr Sam Baars gives evidence to the Education Select Committee inquiry


16th October 2020

This week, Dr. Sam Baars, Director of Research and Operations at The Centre for Education and Youth, gave evidence to the Education Select Committee as part of its inquiry into ‘left behind’ white working-class pupils, alongside Professor Becky Francis and Mary Curnock-Cook.

You can watch a summary video here.

Sam discussed a wide range of important points, including:

  1. Gaps between ethnic groups differ at different stages of the education system
  2. Area-based trends, and the need to focus on outer urban neighbourhoods
  3. The influence of men in the teaching profession and school volunteering
  4. How to define ‘working class’ in the 21st century
  5. The utility of income- vs. free school meals-based definitions of ‘disadvantage’
  6. The importance of history and genealogy in discussing what ‘class’ means to people
  7. The negative role of low teacher expectations
  8. The relative reduction in funding to schools in the most deprived areas
  9. The importance of wider systems of support such as CAMHS
  10. The ‘forgotten third’ and the poor outcomes of young people with SEND
  11. Young people’s attachment to place, and the problem of expecting young people to ‘move out’ in order to ‘move on’
  12. The importance of creating thriving local communities that attract young teachers
  13. The importance of adult education, lifelong learning and parental self-efficacy

You can watch the full session here.

For more info, you might want to read: