Anamaría Granada on Mutatio: The path to self-discovery


17th May 2023

Recently Anamaría Granada, CfEY Associate, featured on MUTATIO, the Edinburgh Napier University student magazine. Sofía Villegas, the magazine editor, interviewed Anamaría on why Social Emotional Learning (SEL) should matter to university students.

In the interview, she draws on her expertise in social and cultural research and her recent work for IMPETUS, which focuses on the importance of SEL for overall life outcomes in children and young people, and the role that mental health and wellbeing play in this.

“There has been a break in social support and knowing how to socialise. Suddenly, it became the norm that you will be very introspective and just interact by yourself,” Granada explains. “Social-emotional skills are something that people need a lot more help with now, having not received continued support by the system expecting young people to be able to deal with life as we did before the pandemic”.

Read the article “The path to self-discovery” in Mutatio here:

Listen to the full interview here: