EdFest 2019! LKMco will be busy at this year’s Education Festival
18th June 2019
We’re looking forward to a busy few days at this year’s Festival of Education.
Nearly the whole team will be there and we will be involved in ten sessions.
Day one, Thursday 20th June
9.20-10am Chapel: Anna will be chairing a panel entitled ‘Teaching is destroying the mental health of its workforce’ with Iesha Small, Dr Emma Kell and Adrian Bethune.
10.10-10:50am Seb Faulks PR4: In this session, entitled ‘Disadvantage in early secondary school’, Will Cook (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Bart Shaw will discuss the findings from their Nuffield Foundation funded project on the effect of disadvantage on early secondary phase. Shining a light on a phase of schooling often ignored in policy, they will draw on previous studies from the UK and North America as well as new analysis of national datasets, tackling questions such as….. which pupils seem most affected by the transition to secondary school? What is the evidence in terms of what works in supporting pupils in the early secondary phase to maintain their academic trajectory? What are the key influences on academic outcomes during this phase?
11-11.40am CCT Venue 6: Anna will be on the Chartered College panel, which asks the question ‘How can we make teaching a career for everyone?’. She’ll be joined by Jack Worth, Christalla Jamil, Vivienne Porritt and Clare Rees. No doubt she’ll be pushing her favourite topic, flexible working, as well as considering how we increase diversity in the profession.
12.20-1pm Driver Lecture Room: Anna will be chairing a panel entitled ‘Curriculum: Plan it for the kids, not for Ofsted’ with Chris Jones, Professor Samantha Twiselton and Jon Hutchinson. They’ll talk through some of the practicalities of curriculum design, as well as what Ofsted will and won’t expect to see when the new framework is launched. After these three panels, she’ll be having a short lie down in a darkened room before enjoying the rest of the delights of the festival.
2:15-2:55pm Driver lecture room: Anyone working with vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in recent years will have seen the impact of austerity. This issue underpins many of the challenges the sector is grappling with, but too often we focus on the symptom rather than the underlying cause.
Our Chief Exec, Loic Menzies will therefore be confronting this issue head on in a session entitled Growing up in Austerity: Supporting young people in lean times, with an expert panel featuring including Phil Mellen, Deputy Director of Learning for Leeds City Council, Emma Hardy MP and Dr Sam Baars, LKMco’s Director of Research.
The panel will grapple with four key questions:
– In your own work how have you witnessed the effects of austerity?
– What are the key ways (including any unexpected ways) that the effects of austerity trickle down to young people?
– What, specifically needs to change to reverse these effects?
– What will it take to make a convincing case for change?
Share your own experiences of how austerity has affected young people and put your questions to the panel using the hashtag #UpInAusterity
UPDATE: Emma Hardy MP now unfortunately has to return to her constituency but Anita Kerwin-Nye has kindly agreed to step in.
3:05-3:45pm Chapel: Iesha Will be chairing a panel entitled ‘We need to stop talking about social mobility’ with James Turner, Emmanuel Akpan-Inwang, Dr Tony Sewell CBE and Karen Iles.
Day two, Friday 21st June
Our schedule is just as packed on the Friday!
10:10-10:50am Maths 1: Kate will be presenting ‘The system needs to change: young disabled people’s experience of education.’ with Evan Odell.
10.10-10:50am Chapel: Abi will be chairing a panel entitled ‘How to support disabled young people in your school’‘ with Anne Heavey, Cassie Ruddock and Simon Knight. They’ll be talking about including young people when planning support, looking at why this is beneficial and providing some practical tools for practitioners to take back to their settings.
10:10-10:50am Seb Faulks E12: Sam will be presenting ‘Partners in Progression: engaging parents to widen access to higher education’ which looks at the findings of the research we conducted last year for King’s College London on parental engagement in higher education. He’ll be looking at the evidence for why it’s so important for parents to be engaged in their children’s education, some fascinating data from a national survey of parents we commissioned from YouGov; and the detailed insights we gathered from focus groups with parents and university case studies of best practice in parental engagement.
All in all, there’s something for everyone, so whatever your pet interest make sure you take the time to catch up with our team. They’re looking forward to seeing you!