Why I’m excited to be joining CfEY
18th February 2020
I’m Vanessa, and this is why I’m joining The Centre for Education and Youth.
I was excluded at the beginning of year 10 and spent the last two years of my school life at a PRU. Results day for me – like many students in PRUs – was devastating. I left with four C grade GCSEs and a D in maths. Now I’m joining the team at the Centre for Education and Youth, and completing a Masters in Global Ethics after completing a BA in History.
Everything has worked out for me, although it’s not been easy. Completing school in a PRU meant I had loads of gaps in my education, and flunking my GCSEs made moving on all the harder. I’d imagine many students that are in the position I was in feel the same – devastated and hopeless. I spent two extra years in college and worked very hard to overcome the stigma that surrounds exclusions and prove my capability academically.
With the journey I’ve taken through school, I’ve seen on the one hand how a lack of education can limit life chances, and on the other how a good education can open many doors. As a result of this, I’m passionate that all young people get an enriching and quality education. This is what drew me to work at CfEY. I believe in supporting the most vulnerable children in our education system, and I am excited that I can do this here. I have a particular interest in exclusions, and look forward to building on the teams work in this area.