Parents key to decisions about HE


25th September 2019

Over the last few years, we have worked on a number or projects aiming to widen participation in Higher Education (HE). As a result, we have a mountain of data from fieldwork, polling, cluster analysis and literature reviews. One common thread across this data is the importance of parents. Parents are key to widening access to HE for many young people, especially those from low-income backgrounds.

Writing in FE Week, our Head of Policy Bart Shaw summarised the key findings and the implications for settings working with 16-18 year olds. In his article, he argued that:

The solution to the problem of widening participation is standing on our doorsteps. Supporting students in their decision-making around HE means supporting their parents at the same time.

Read the full article in FE Week here.

Parents are the most important influencers when a student decides about higher education, says @BartShaw1. It’s time to get them on board Share on X