#047 Research Roundup – Dr Sam Baars: Area-based inequalities
16th December 2020

In this episode, Dr Sam Baars, Director of Research and Operations at The Centre for Education and Youth, shares with Phil Yeeles a selection of research that he has been reading lately. This episode focusses on area-based inequalities. Sam and Phil talk about the different ways in which researchers classify areas, the factors that drive young people to move out of the areas they grew up in, and the issues that specifically affect coastal towns.
In this episode, Sam and Phil discuss:
- How researchers classify areas
- The effect of how areas are classified on social policy
- The links between spatial mobility and social mobility
- The factors that drive young people to move out of their hometowns, and the experiences of those who stay
- The public discourse around coastal towns
- The effects of a ‘failed towns’ narrative on the young people who live in coastal towns
Resources/people features or mentioned
- Baars, S. (2021). Area-based inequalities and the new frontiers in education policy. In S. Baars & L. Menzies (Eds.), Young People on the Margins. Routledge.
- Papoutsaki, D., Buzzeo, J., & Gray, H. (2020). Moving out to move on: understanding the link between migration, disadvantage and social mobility.
- Wenham, A. (2020). “Wish you were here”? Geographies of exclusion: young people, coastal towns and marginality. Journal of Youth Studies, 23(1), 44–60.
Show notes and links for this episode can be found here.
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Music credits:
Oui by Simon Mathewson and Jump for Joy by Scott Holmes, both from http://freemusicarchive.org.