#020 – Adrian Rogers, Lorraine Hughes and Sam Simkins: System Leadership
17th May 2018
In this episode Iesha talks to Adrian Rogers, Lorraine Hughes and Sam Simkins from Chiltern Learning Trust about system leadership. They discuss the differences between headteachers and CEOs, whether headship is a good preparation for being a CEO and how Multi-Academy Trusts can facilitate flexible working.
In this episode Iesha, Adrian, Lorraine and Sam:
- Reflect on the differences between headteachers and CEOs
- Consider whether MAT CEOs need to be trained teachers
- Chew over what counts as effective preparation for system leadership
- Consider how school leadership career pathways have changed
- Explore what Adrian has learned about teacher recruitment and retention
- Discuss how MATs can make use of flexible working
- Examine how advertising for new staff needs to adapt to a modern context
- Reveal how expensive recruitment costs can be
- Discuss the relationships central MAT teams have with individual schools
- Highlight the need for MAT leaders to use their coaching skills
- Explore the teacher training opportunities available in MATs
- Discuss what schools can learn from other industries
- Examine why school systems are so important
Resources/people featured or mentioned:
- Chiltern Learning Trust
- Adrian Rogers, CEO, Chiltern Learning Trust
- Lorraine Hughes, Director of Teaching School and Standards, Chiltern Learning Trust
- Sam Simkins, Business Intern, Chiltern Learning Trust
Show notes and links for this episode can be found here.
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Music credits:
‘Oui’ by Simon Mathewson and ‘Jump for joy’ by Scott Holmes both from http://freemusicarchive.org