#023- Bart Shaw: Mentoring
5th July 2018
In this episode Sam talks to LKMco’s Bart Shaw about his recent research on mentoring (Forging Futures Through Mentoring). Sam and Bart discuss the research findings; mentoring’s popularity; the positives and risks associated with mentoring and key recommendations for mentors, mentoring programmes, schools and policy-makers.
In this episode Sam and Bart:
- Reveal which phases of education Bart most enjoyed
- Discuss LKMco’s report ‘Forging Futures Through Mentoring: A Risk Worth Pursuing’
- Consider the popularity of mentoring
- Chew over Bart’s experience as a mentor
- Explore different forms of mentoring
- Explain the definition of mentoring
- Map out how the research was conducted
- Recognise the limitations of this research
- Highlight mentoring’s popularity in London
- Reflect on the Independent Visitor’s Scheme
- Discuss how mentoring is used in schools
- Consider what makes a successful mentor
- Highlight the importance of mentor/mentee relationships
- Reveal the risks mentoring can present to vulnerable young people
- Stress the importance of research for mentoring programmes
- Summarise best practise for mentoring programmes
- Consider why support and training for mentors is important
- Discuss the positive impact mentoring can have
- Reveal what Bart would change about his actions as a mentor
Resources/people featured or mentioned:
Show notes and links for this episode can be found here.
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Music credits:
‘Oui’ by Simon Mathewson and ‘Jump for joy’ by Scott Holmes both from http://freemusicarchive.org