#030 – Research round up: child in care reviews, faith schools and hard work

24th January 2019

In this episode, Abi explores a selection of recent and not-so-recent research that we’ve been reading in the last few weeks with Dr Sam Baars, Director of Research at LKMco. Sam and Abi look at a study from last year which looks at young people in care and their experiences of care review meetings. They also discuss faith schools’ admissions processes, looking at who attends faith schools in the UK and and how this links to performance. Finally, they look at a study on young people’s perceptions of hard work and how this relates to celebrity culture.

In this episode Abi and Sam:

  • Discuss how young people are involved in meetings related to their care and support
  • Set out what care review meetings for looked after young people are
  • Reflect on how advocates can provide support in meetings for vulnerable young people
  • Explore differences between pupils attending faith schools, and those attending other state-maintained schools
  • Look at the different types of faith schools there are in England
  • Interrogate various suggested factors driving faith schools’ attainment
  • Discuss how young people perceive ‘hard work’
  • Debate how discourses around success often focus on individual or collective acheivement
  • Think about how resilience and flexibility can be included in conversations around aspirations

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Music credits:

‘Oui’ by Simon Mathewson and ‘Jump for joy’ by Scott Holmes both from http://freemusicarchive.org

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