#035 – Research Roundup – youth volunteering, silent classrooms and the National Education Service
14th September 2019
#035 Research Roundup – youth volunteering, silent classrooms and the National Education Service
In this episode Phil Yeeles, Junior Researcher at LKMco, shares a selection of research that he has been reading lately with Dr Sam Baars, our Director of Research. This episode has a critical conceptual focus: Sam and Phil discuss the ideological implications of youth social action as an uncontested ‘good’, the consequences of perpetually silent ‘zero-tolerance’ classrooms, and what different visions of a National Education Service might look like, the problems they might solve and the challenges they’d face.
This is the last ever LKMco podcast. No, don’t worry, we’re not going away! But here at LKMco we’re about to make some exciting changes… like our name, and our logo. So when our next episode arrives in your app in a few weeks’ time, just a heads up that although we might sound familiar, we might look a bit different.
In this episode Phil and Sam discuss:
- The ideology behind ‘youth social action’ as a policy and its interaction with austerity
- The problems arising from zero-tolerance behaviour management at the classroom level
- The consequences of maintaining a silent classroom in terms of pupil engagement with education
- The ongoing teacher recruitment and retention crisis
- The future of the teaching profession
- Teachers’ working conditions and rights
- Sectoral collective bargaining for education workers
- Visions of the National Education Service
- Phil’s favourite phases of education
Resources/people featured or mentioned:
- Davies, B. (2019). Youth Volunteering—The New Panacea. In Austerity, Youth Policy and the Deconstruction of the Youth Service in England (pp. 217–235). Springer.
- Wenham, L. (2019). ’It’s horrible. And the class is too silent’-A silent classroom environment can lead to a paralysing fear of being put on the spot, called-out, shown up, shamed or humiliated. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS), 17(1).
- Stevenson, H. (2018). A New Deal for the Teaching Profession. FORUM: For Promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education, 60(2), 239–244. Symposium Books.
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Music credits:
‘Oui’ by Simon Mathewson and ‘Jump for joy’ by Scott Holmes both from http://freemusicarchive.org
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