#036 – Loic Menzies: The First CfEY Podcast
25th October 2019
#036 – Loic Menzies: The First CfEY Podcast
In this episode Dr Sam Baars, our Director of Research, pins down our elusive Chief Executive Loic Menzies for his first ever podcast interview.
In this first episode of the Centre for Education and Youth podcast, Sam and Loic discuss:
- The changes that CfEY and the education sector as a whole have been through over the last ten years
- The role of CfEY today
- The creation of our ‘Decade in the Making’ report
- Teacher autonomy
- Teacher workload
- Education policy
- Fieldwork
- Challenges young people face in the UK
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Music credits:
‘Follow Your Dreams’ by Scott Holmes from http://freemusicarchive.org
Want to contact us?
[email protected] / @sambaars