#043 Research Roundup – Vanessa Joshua: Racism and education
9th July 2020
#043 Research Roundup – Vanessa Joshua: Racism and education
In this episode, Vanessa Joshua, Trainee Associate at the Centre for Education and Youth, shares a selection of research that she has been reading lately with Phil Yeeles. This episode focusses on racism. In light of research findings and current events, Vanessa and Phil talk about how racism manifests in education, and what educators are doing to challenge it.
In this episode, Vanessa and Phil discuss:
- The unique position of the education sector in challenging racism
- The nature of racism as it manifests in education
- The ‘post-racial’ fallacy
- The experience of BAME people in higher education and academia
- Microaggressions
- Whiteness and curriculum
- Inclusive learning environments
Resources/people featured or mentioned:
- Gillborn, D., Rollock, N., Warmington, P. and Demack, S. (2016) Race, Racism and Education: Inequality, resilience and reform in policy & practice. A Two-Year Research Project Funded by the Society for Educational Studies (SES) National Award 2013
- Sian, K. (2017) Being Black in a White World: Understanding Racism in British Universities
- Scottish Government (2019) Addressing Inclusion: Effectively Challenging Racism in Schools
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Music credits:
‘Follow Your Dreams’ by Scott Holmes from http://freemusicarchive.org
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