#052 Research Roundup – Baz Ramaiah: Social class and social mobility
7th April 2021
In this episode, Baz Ramaiah, Associate with the Policy Strand at The Centre for Education and Youth, shares with Phil Yeeles a selection of research that he has been reading lately. This episode focusses on social class and social mobility. Baz and Phil talk about the political context and consequences of the 1944 Education Act; a longitudinal study looking at how social mobility has changed over the past several decades, and a recent piece of research looking at why British people tend to over-identify as working-class.
In this episode, Baz and Phil discuss:
- The political context of the 1944 Education Act
- The history of the tripartite schooling system
- How social mobility has changed for the past several decades
- How British people think about themselves
- ‘Meritocratic’ ideology and how people justify their own privilege
Resources/people features or mentioned
- Abbott, I., Rathbone, M., & Whitehead, P. (2012). The Postwar Consensus: Education for All? In Education Policy. SAGE Publications.
- Bukodi, E., & Goldthorpe, J. H. (2018). Education and Social Mobility: The OED Triangle. In Social Mobility and Education in Britain: Research, Politics and Policy. Cambridge University Press.
- Friedman, S., O’Brien, D., & McDonald, I. (2021). Deflecting Privilege: Class Identity and the Intergenerational Self. Sociology. doi:10.1177/0038038520982225
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Music credits:
Follow your Dreams by Scott Holmes from http://freemusicarchive.org